What We Do

Reflective Practice
Reflective Practice
The aim of offering Reflective Practice sessions to staff working in education or the health and social care field is to give them the opportunity and support to focus on their own health and wellbeing.
What is Reflective Practice?
Reflective Practice provides emotional support, space for self-care and to boost resilience by sharing and learning from others. It will allow participants to feel heard and not alone in often isolated and demanding roles.
When will the sessions run?
Number 22 can run a session every 6 weeks for 1 hour 15 minutes either remotely or face to face. These sessions can have up to 8 participants attending or can be facilitated for individual staff members.
Who will run the sessions?
Number 22 will provide a qualified experienced supervisor to facilitate these sessions.
Who can benefit from Reflective practice?
Reflective practice can benefit individuals or teams working in education and health and social care. This can include schools, NHS, local authority, prison/probation service, social workers, charities etc.
If you would like to find out more information, please do get in touch with Sarah Luke – Service Manager – [email protected]